About Camp

The program recruits local and foreign students from:

  1. National Cheng Kung University (成功大學,NCKU)
  2. National Sun Yat-sen University (中山大學,NSYSU)
  3. National Chung Cheng University (中正大學,CCU)
  4. National Chung Hsing University (中興大學,NCHU)

Given the fact that many schools are promoting volunteer programs, we have planned a series of courses and activities to let students not only to explore Taiwan deeper in a various perspective by doing volunteer work, but also to enhance the opportunity of communication between cultures.

In addition, we make lifelong friends with one another. The plan is expected to cultivate students’ social conscience and observe the real needs hidden in the Taiwan community.

Summer Camps are FREE and will provide professional training before camp/class and arrangement with traffic, board and lodging included.


Innovative service

The program is held by four schools of the TCUS. Through the volunteer work, students have a platform to make good use of their capability as well as give new ideas, to grow and learn. In addition, providing services needed in different areas is our main goal.

Boost Diverse Learning Opportunity

We recruit students from different schools and countries, using consistent effort and brainstorming, we learn and grow through cooperating with one another in term of culture differences and ideas. We hope the program can raise awareness of Taiwan Comprehensive University System, and also improve students’ language ability, making a win-win consequence.

To Have a Global Perspective

The program provides students with an access to step out the comfort zone and a chance to let foreign students to learn more about Taiwan by actually experiencing Taiwanese culture. Furthermore, local people received services can be bridged to the world in a solid and meaningful way.

To Elevate Students’ leadership and Employment Competence

Before the volunteer work begins, we will have some training courses for the volunteers. Through the courses, the volunteer work and the sharing as well as reflection afterwards, we believe students’ will acquire a great deal of experiences which will undoubtedly benefit students future lives. The interaction and the excitement sparked among humans through the work will assure students understanding the value of lives, and foresee one self’s life that is full of possibility and meaning.


National Cheng Kung University

  • 活動目標:
    1. 提供創意服務:前往台南市玉井區希望之家陪伴機構學員(中輟、法院安置、社福安置),透過兩校學生平日所學與專長,規劃暑期服務活動,建立三方的友誼及信任,透過活動使希望之家學生開拓視野,接觸多元文化。
    2. 增加多元學習機會:透過服務學習的過程進行經驗與服務實務上的交流,激盪雙方思考,並提升團隊合作能力,藉由寒假與暑假互訪合作服務活動,創新兩校學生服務學習模式。
    3. 拓展國際視野:透過國際生的加入,比較台灣學生、中國學生、外籍學生等三方角度在處事思維與服務概念的異同,並透過活動拉近國際生與本地生之互動關係,深入了解台南在地社區,提供兼具提升國際化與深入在地化的視野與內容。
    4. 提升學生就業力與領導力:透過服務學習「做中學,學中做」的核心理念,實際經驗人與人的互動與交流,學習包容文化落差,深度體會領導與被領導的角色定位,並在計畫中提供安全的學習場域與平台激盪思考,訓練參與學生的思辨與團隊合作能力。
  • 預期效益:
    1. 希望之家學生能夠接觸到多元文化與深度交流,在與大學生進行互動陪伴的過程中、接觸不同領域的生活體驗,建立社會情感,並透過活動讓學生從遊戲中瞭解團隊合作及互助的重要性,促進未來在社會互動的正面影響。
    2. 參與計畫之同學能在透過服務更認識希望之家的學生,並從服務規劃到成果發表學習企劃能力,在反思交流中建立雙方的友誼與激盪創意,培養思考能力,累積服務學習的經驗,提升國際視野,在服務中有所成長,從生活中體驗學習力與創造力。
  • 活動時間:暑假 2015年7月中旬為期兩周(暫定,將依實際服務時間調整 )
  • 活動地點:成功大學、財團法人台灣基督長老教會加利利宣教中心附設-台南市玉井區希望之家
  • 服務對象:財團法人台灣基督長老教會加利利宣教中心附設-台南市希望之家為一開放式安置輔導機構,在於協助十八歲以下行為偏差的青少年,藉著愛的關懷與輔導,重建心靈、愛惜生命並建立正確的人生觀、價值觀,養成良好生活習慣,發揮潛能,更藉著技能訓練,使能具謀生能力,已期順利回歸原生家庭,立足、回饋於社會。
  • 服務內容:與希望之家的學生透過分組帶活動,參與之家的相關課程及活動,進而與學生認識聊天分享,對他們有更多的了解,從他們的角度出發提供給他們最適合的互動方式,並且在活動中能夠融入希望之家的特色。在以上的服務中,會藉由每晚的反思活動,了解服務者與被服務者之間的關係:尊重、關懷、出發的角度與團隊合作等等,因此服務不只是服務,而是一種雙贏模式,成長的過程。
  • 行程規劃: (以下日期皆為暫定,待與服務機構確認)
    日期 活 動 內 容 地點
    7/16-18 服務學習課程訓練
    成功大學 學生活動中心
    7/19-7/24 希望之家服務 台南玉井加利利希望之家
    7/25-26 反思及成果彙整 學生活動中心
    7/26 綜合座談及閉幕式 奇美咖啡館
    7/27-28 文化交流與體驗 成功大學-台北
National Sun Yat-sen University

National Chung Cheng University







時間 課程名稱 訓練目標與內容 培訓時數
4/15(三) 相見歡 基礎成員見面會和討論相關內容  2小時 
4/15~5/31 撰寫教案
  1. 包含教案的發想、服務因對象而不同、團康活動帶領技巧、創意思考、培養團隊精神
  2. 撰寫基礎教案並互相提供意見
5/30(六) 5/31(日) 志工培訓工作坊 志工培訓 12小時 
6/13、6/20 7/1、7/2、7/3  行前密集訓練
  1. 服務方案討論、討論細部服務方案內容
  2. 教案演練與修正



2016中興大學-4的n次方無國界創新服務計畫1 (NCHU- Boundless innovative Volunteer Program 1) ---中興大學與爽文國中【 Super 教師 + Power 教師 + 師鐸獎 王政忠老師】合作,共同辦理 2016 English Summer Camp 熱烈招募中。

Boundless innovative Volunteer Program-NCHU
Program 1---2016 English Summer Camp

Perhaps, we cannot bring every child to see the world,
Yet we can let the world step in their little worlds, changing their lives.

  1. Location: Shuang-Wen Junior High School, Nantou County
  2. Time: Aug./1st/ 2016~Aug./ 19th/ 2016 (tentative) *Requested for applicants’ attendance during the whole event.
  3. Drill and Preparation: Aug./1st/ 2016~Aug./5th/2016(Pre-event meeting/ discussion about the content of the following class/accommodations/etc.)
  4. Target students: Junior-high-school students ( about 80 students)
  5. Requirement: College Students from natives(9-10 people) and non-residents (9-10 people) after interview.
    1. Well oral expression and communication skills, teaching experiences is preferred.
    2. Indoor curriculum & outside activity design, cooking & drama show arrangement , arouse student’s interest, active participation and recognition, class management
    3. Closing Date For Entries:2016/08/19
    4. Please fill in Registration Form for Volunteer and feedback before 2016/04/25.
  6. Memorandum note For Volunteer Recruitment
    1. Honor my volunteer commitment and obey all regulation/agreement captioned. Work as a “team player” for the good of all persons within School Camp Volunteer system.
    2. Summer Camps are FREE, and will provide professional training before camp/class and arrangement with traffic, board and lodging included. We offer proof of volunteer service after camp.
    3. All volunteers authorize media interview and the use of video recording, pictures, images and likeness for reasonable use and incorporation by School for informational and media use in connection with the Summer Camp website and media outreach to the general public.
  7. What we’ll do during the program: English classes/drama/anything that provokes students’ interest in English. It can be sports, music, arts.
  8. General schedule:
    Pre-event meeting
    English camp
    Wrap-up presentation
    1. Getting to know one another
    2. Grouping
    3. Design and discuss about how the class will be operated
    Volunteer Program
    1. Drama
    2. Art performances
  9. Daily class schedule during the English camp:
    Time 0900~1200 1310~1800 1900~2030
    Title Design and rehearse the class The class The review
    Content Design and rehearse the class which will be presented in the evening
    1. Divide the students into different groups according to ability.
    2. Learning materials are from junior-school textbooks
    3. Lead students to know more about foreign cultures
    1. Brief the class and point in the flaws that can be modified.
    2. Design and manage next class.


NCHU expects students to grow and learn from the experiences of helping the children, who are from the remote areas, and thus to be more willing to devote oneself to Taiwan.


  1. Helping students who are aboriginals, single-parent, disabled, etc. is one of our main goals. We try to stimulate the potential abilities and their passion of English as much as possible.
  2. Provide college students with an opportunity to learn, and a chance to designing and developing their unique way of teaching.
  3. Provide students a platform to perform their excellences.

Contact Us

National Cheng Kung University

郭昊侖 小姐(Joyce Kuo)



National Sun Yat-sen University

游雅芬 小姐(Jamie You)



National Chung Cheng University

沈芯好 小姐(Shen, Shin-Hao)



National Chung Hsing University

葉容真 小姐(Jenny Yeh)

