FNSIP 美國在台協會 2022 秋季實習生招募公告(截止日期:111/7/22)

你是一位台灣的大學生或者研究生而對國際事務感到興趣嗎?  你想在一個國際化的環境中汲取工作經驗嗎? 歡迎加入AIT!  AIT很高興地宣布我們的2022年秋季學生實習計劃!  應徵截止日期為7月22日。今天就來申請吧! 請詳閱附件中的招募簡章, 並將申請資料寄至 TaipeiAIT-FNSIP@state.gov

Are you a Taiwan college or graduate student interested in international affairs?  Would you like to gain international work experience?  Come join us at AIT!  AIT is delighted to announce our Fall 2022 student internship program!  Applications must be received by July 22, 2022.  Apply today! Please refer to the attached document for the available positions including the application details.