
文章分類 文章標題 發佈時間
生發活動 九月 Top 【填問卷,送禮劵,抽 iPAD】 請107、109、111學年度畢業校友踴躍填寫流向問卷,謝謝。【Fill out the survey, receive a gift voucher, and enter a draw for an iPad.】We kindly ask the alumni from the graduating classes of 2019, 2021, and 2023 to actively fill out the employment survey. Thank you 2024-05-29
News Top Contact Taiwan registration manual 2024-02-06
生發活動 九月 敬邀報名【興學塾企業導師ASML艾司摩爾】微影創新,改變世界!一起探索半導體產業關鍵技術 【NCHU Xingxueshu Mentorship Program ASML】 2024-09-19
原資中心-最新消息 九月 國立臺北科技大學原住民文化研究社辦理《循.幬輯》PACAVALJ大鳥部落文化田調成果展覽。The Indigenous Culture Research Club of National Taipei University of Technology is organizing the "Tracing the Legacy: PACAVALJ Dafu Tribe Cultural Field Survey Exhibition." 2024-09-18
最新公告 九月 經濟部所屬產業園區管理機構113 年度新進約僱人員甄選簡章公告Announcement of the Selection Guidelines for Newly Hired Contract Personnel in 2024 by the Industrial Park Management Organizations under the Ministry of Economic Affairs. 2024-09-18
最新公告 九月 2024年觀光及國際禮儀專業認證冬季大會考2024 Winter Conference Examination for Tourism and International Etiquette Professional Certification. 2024-09-18
就業訊息-全職 九月 臺北市就業服務處113年10月5日舉辦科技就業博覽會,Taipei City Job Fair on 10/05/2024 2024-09-18
最新公告 九月 2024「APEC女性及青年賦權論壇:推動創新教育和提升勞動技能以實現未來永續及包容性」(APEC Forum on Women and Youth Empowerment:Advancing Innovative Education and Enhancing Workforce Skills for a Sustainable and Inclusive Future) 2024-09-18
最新公告 九月 「2024 全國大專校院與高中職台鋼三創發明競賽」"2024 National College and High School Taigang San Chuang Invention Competition" 2024-09-18
就業訊息-全職 九月 國立臺灣師範大學人事室現有全職工讀生職缺乙名Student worker position at the Human Resources Office. 2024-09-18
就業訊息-全職 九月 臺北市政府衛生局約聘僱人員職缺甄選事宜Selection matters for contracted personnel positions at the Taipei City Government Health Department. 2024-09-18
校外自主實習 十月 【自主實習】觀察家生態顧問有限公司113學年度下學期實習The Observer Ecological Consulting Co., Ltd. Internship for the Second Semester of the 113th Academic Year. 2024-09-18
原資中心-最新消息 九月 世新大學辦理財團法人原住民族文化事業基金會「廣電影音製播人才創意培訓計畫」。Shih Hsin University is organizing the "Creative Training Program for Broadcasting and Audio-Visual Production Talent," funded by the Indigenous Peoples Cultural Foundation. 2024-09-13
就業訊息-全職 九月 職涯博覽會 9/21 登場!免費報名還抽機票 AirPods Max<Cake 2024 Career Fair: Join the most happening career fair of the year on Saturday, 9/21 at the Taipei World Trade Center!> 2024-09-13
就業訊息-全職 九月 【Cake 獨家 9 月商管、科技實習 / 新鮮人月報】"Cake Exclusive September Business, Technology Internships / Fresh Graduate Monthly Report" 2024-09-13