男生宿舍111學年度下學期第一輪車證申請公告First round application for parking permit(Male Dorm)

1. 申請資格:男生宿舍全體住宿生

2. 申請時間:2/20(一)中午 12:00 至 3/5(日)中午 12:00 

3. 申請方式:請填寫以下表單或掃描QR code進行申請   https://forms.gle/mGaMcCXnKSxKKQ3r7      

4. 公布時間:3/6(一)下午 6:00於申請系統公布

5. 發證時間:3/6(一)–3/8(三)由樓長發放,須由本人親領。

未領取統一3/9(四) 9:00 -3/10(五) 17:00於服務中心領取,逾時不候。

6. 注意事項:每一輪一人限申請一證(機車、腳踏車擇一),如有需求可於下一輪再行申請;領取車證需出示本人學生證、駕照及本人或直系親屬所持有車輛之行照。宿舍採全面對號停車。

1.Time Schedule:

  1. Applying period: Feb. 20th (Mon.) 12:00 p.m. to Mar. 5th (Sun.) 12:00 p.m.
  2. Announcement period: Mar. 6th (Mon.) 18:00 p.m.
  3. Dispensing parking permit period: Mar. 6th (Mon.) to Mar. 8th (Wed.).

2.Steps for Application:

Scan the QR code or fill in this google form



  1. All the residents in male dormitory can apply for parking permit and each person can only own a parking permit (motorcycle one or bicycle)
  2. During the announcement period, please go back to the website to click parking space inquiry for checking the number of your parking permit.
  3. During the dispensing parking permit period, the manager of each floor will dispense the parking permit to each resident, and residents should show their Student ID card or any documents such as passport to prove their identity.
  4. If residents do not get the parking permit from the manager during dispensing period, please go to service center on Mar. 9th (Thu.) 9:00 a.m. to Mar. 10th (Fri.) 17:00 p.m. during the service time to take the parking permit.
  5. If residents miss the dates for taking the parking permits, the application will be canceled and released to other residents.