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最新公告 保健 熱血中興 愛心捐血一起來 Campus Blood Donation Event 2024-09-19
最新公告 保健 【興健康講堂】校園愛滋防治-「以愛之名:性不信由妳,從尊重開始」【Hsing-Health Lecture】 Campus AIDS Prevention - "In the Name of Love: Sexual Trust Starts with Respect" 2024-09-18
最新公告 保健 【興健康講堂】中醫師的養眼秘笈大公開【Hsing-Health Lecture】 The Secret Tips for Eye Care from Traditional Chinese Medicine Revealed 2024-09-11
最新公告 保健 【興健康講堂】吃得開心 笑得燦爛 健康幸福從「齒」開始【Hsing-Health Lecture】Eat happily, laugh brightly.Health and happiness start with 2024-09-11
最新公告 諮商 歡迎參加09/30「她有話要說」性騷擾、性侵害防治電影賞析座談 【She Said】Movie Show and Discussion about Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Prevention 2024-09-10
最新公告 諮商 113-1 健康及諮商中心三場自我探索與成長團體熱烈報名中! Self-exploration and growth group 2024-09-09
最新公告 諮商 【沙畫薰香蠟燭DIY體驗活動】Sand painting scented candle DIY experience activities 2024-09-08
最新公告 保健 【健檢公告-9/3更新】113學年度新生入學健康檢查預約名單公告【Health Check Announcement-Update on September 3rd】 Announcement of the Appointment List for Freshman Health Check-up at National Chung Hsing University for the 113th Academic Year 2024-09-03
最新公告 保健 [興健康講堂]體塑班(營養暨運動課程) [Healthy Lecture Hall] Body Shaping Class (Nutrition and Exercise Course)  2024-09-03
最新公告 公告 113學年度第一學期興健康講堂活動海報-歡迎師生踴躍報名 Hsing-Health Lecture Activity Schedule for the 1st Semester of the 113th Academic Year 2024-09-02
最新公告 保健 【轉知】疾病管制署修正發布「傳染病防治獎勵辦法」第5條The Centers for Disease Control has revised and issued Article 5 of the "Incentive Measures for the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases." 2024-09-02
最新公告 特教 【重要訊息】113年度特殊教育獎補助學金申請通知 Application for 2024 Special Education Scholarship 2024-09-02
最新公告 保健 【健檢公告】113學年度新生入學健康檢查說明及預約名單【Health Check Announcement】Explanation and Appointment List for Freshman Health Checkup for the 113th Academic Year 2024-08-30
最新公告 保健 【轉知】教育部函知衛生福利部修正「傳染病分類」相關事宜[Notice] The Ministry of Education informs the Ministry of Health and Welfare regarding the amendments to matters related to the "Classification of Infectious Diseases." 2024-08-28
最新公告 諮商 113-1精神醫療諮詢服務 The mental health consultation services 2024-08-26
最新公告 公告 健康及諮商中心新服務【興憩小站—圖書館駐點諮詢服務】即將上線囉!New services of the Health and Counseling Centre are now available! Hsing Chill Station — Library-based counseling services 2024-08-23
最新公告 諮商 歡迎報名【興健康講堂】-青少年常見身心疾患及應對策略-自殺防治線上講座The most common mental health disorders among adolescents, and learning coping strategies. 2024-08-15
最新公告 諮商 113/8/14(三)健康及諮商中心緊急心理諮詢服務暫停公告(Health and Counseling Center Emergency psychological consultation service Suspension Announcement) 2024-08-12