
文章分類 文章標題 發佈時間
最新公告 諮商 健康及諮商中心颱風相關通知Health and Counseling Center Typhoon Related Notice 2024-07-23
最新公告 諮商 【生命教育電影院—腦筋急轉彎2】填問卷抽獎活動中獎名單[Life Education Cinema—Brain Teasers 2] Fill out the questionnaire and draw the winners list 2024-07-03
News 諮商 【External information】International Lifeline association’s “Thank you for telling me” project, providing online texting consulting services 2024-06-18
衛教宣導 諮商 【公文轉知】國際生命線台灣總會辦理「『謝謝你跟我說』全台生命線青少年心理健康網路支持平台計畫」,提供線上文字協談服務之相關資訊。【External information】International Lifeline association’s “Thank you for telling me” project, providing online texting consulting services 2024-06-18
最新公告 諮商 健康及諮商中心緊急心理諮詢服務暫停公告(Health and Counseling Center Emergency psychological consultation service Suspension Announcement) 2024-06-13
News 諮商 Final exam activities:Good luck good zongzi 2024-05-31
活動訊息 諮商 「健諮中心考生應援團活動—好運#給你,冰粽我領」Final exam activities:Good luck good zongzi 2024-05-31
News 諮商 【How to take care of yourself during Grain Buds】(There is event information at the end of the article.) 2024-05-20
最新公告 諮商 【小滿的養生之道How to take care of yourself during Grain Buds】(文末有小彩蛋訊息喔!There is event information at the end of the article.) 2024-05-20
活動訊息 諮商 「笑吧!校巴」行動心理諮詢車大專校園巡迴活動即將來到中興大學囉!Mobile psychological consultation car activity 2024-04-23
活動訊息 諮商 歡迎參加【愛情風格與角色關係工作坊】Love Style and Character Relationship Workshop 2024-04-22
活動訊息 諮商 歡迎參加【親愛的初戀---多元性別電影賞析座談】Movie Show and Discussion about sexual and gender diversity : “Love, Simon” 2024-04-22
最新公告 諮商 【轉知】教育部來文「113年教育部生命教育關懷與推廣微電影競賽實施計畫」Life Education Care and Micro Film Competition Project from Ministry of Education 2024-04-18
News 諮商 與情緒共處的自我照顧Self-care through living with your emotions 2024-04-18
最新公告 諮商 歡迎參加【興健康講堂】桌遊心關係,人際更靠近工作坊 Board Games and Interpersonal Interaction Workshop 2024-04-10
News 諮商 【Lecture Info】The boundary i've learnd after been sexually assult 2024-04-09
News 諮商 【Lecture Info】Understanding the different types of relationship 2024-04-09
活動訊息 諮商 有關係,沒關係,那是什麼關係?認識多元關係樣貌 Understanding the different types of relationship 2024-04-09