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最新公告 諮商 【轉知】教育部來文「113年教育部生命教育關懷與推廣微電影競賽實施計畫」Life Education Care and Micro Film Competition Project from Ministry of Education 2024-04-18
News 諮商 與情緒共處的自我照顧Self-care through living with your emotions 2024-04-18
最新公告 諮商 歡迎參加【興健康講堂】桌遊心關係,人際更靠近工作坊 Board Games and Interpersonal Interaction Workshop 2024-04-10
News 諮商 【Lecture Info】The boundary i've learnd after been sexually assult 2024-04-09
News 諮商 【Lecture Info】Understanding the different types of relationship 2024-04-09
活動訊息 諮商 有關係,沒關係,那是什麼關係?認識多元關係樣貌 Understanding the different types of relationship 2024-04-09
最新公告 保健 【轉知】衛生福利部國民健康署委託財團法人董氏基金會辦理「2024戒菸就贏比賽」活動。The Ministry of Health and Welfare has commissioned the Dongshi Foundation to organize the "2024 Quit Smoking and Win Competition" event. 2024-04-08
衛教宣導 保健 【轉知】教育部請校方加強衛生教育宣導,並持續落實校園菸害防制工作。The Ministry of Education requests schools to strengthen health education promotion and continue to implement campus tobacco control measures. 2024-04-08
衛教宣導 保健 【轉知】衛生福利部疾病管制署「校園愛滋自我篩檢推廣活動」【Notice】CDC"Campus HIV Self-Screening Promotion Activity" 2024-04-08
最新公告 諮商 歡迎參加【興健康講堂】被性侵後,我才明白的人際界線The boundary i've learnd after been sexually assult 2024-04-08
衛教宣導 保健 【防疫宣導】水痘防治需知 【Epidemic Prevention Announcement】chickenpox prevention and treatment 2024-03-19
最新公告 保健 「美女牙醫教你變美變健康 省一桶金 -大學生必備牙科知識」講座得獎名單"Beautiful Female Dentist Teaches You How to Become Beautiful and Healthy, Save a Fortune - Essential Dental Knowledge for College Students" Seminar Award Winners 2024-03-19
活動訊息 諮商 歡迎參加【芳香療法在情感療癒上的應用】The application of aromatherapy in emotional healing 2024-03-13
最新公告 特教 健康及諮商中心「資源教室輔導老師」面試結果Health and Counseling Center counselor interview result 2024-03-11
最新公告 特教 【興健康講堂】地球人請聽我說-關於自閉症你該知道的五件事 Five things you should know about Autism 2024-03-11
衛教宣導 保健 【轉知】衛生福利部國民健康署所送「戒菸專線之戒菸教育服務說明」及「學校單位轉介未滿20歲吸菸者至戒菸專線作業事項」 2024-03-08
衛教宣導 保健 【轉知】教育部委託財團法人董氏基金會發展之健康體位相關衛教素材(計8式),業置於學校衛生資訊網,請善加運用 2024-03-06
活動訊息 諮商 性別平等教育講座:《是「愛」還是「礙」?跟蹤騷擾防制停看聽》Stalking and Sexual Harassment Prevention Lecture 2024-03-01